HIADS Profile : Scott Hawley

HIADS Member: Scott Hawley


2024The Small HoursBernard Decker
2024GhostsSet Construction
2024AladdinSound Operator
2024AladdinSet Design
2024AladdinSet Construction
2024AladdinSet Painting
2023But Why Bump Off Barnaby?Set Construction
2023Two Into OneGeorge Pigden
2023Two Into OneSet Construction
2022The Haunting of Hill HouseLuke Sanderson
2022Around the World in 80 DaysPassepartout
2020LovesongSet Design
2020LovesongSet Construction
2020LovesongSet Painting
2020Robin HoodBen
2020Robin HoodProperties
2019Dad's ArmyPrivate Joe Walker
2019Relatively SpeakingGreg
2019Relatively SpeakingLighting Assistants
2019KindertransportNazi Border Guard/Postman/Ratcatcher Voice
2018The Vicar of DibleySound Operator
2018Being of Sound MindMartin Bodmin
2018The Madness of George IIIWilliam Pitt the Younger
2017Dial M For MurderTony Wendice
2016FrankensteinBack Stage
2016One Man, Two GuvnorsStanley Stubbers
2016The Game's AfootDaria Chase
2015Panto At The OK CorralRunning Bear
2015Dick Barton Special AgentMarta Heartburn/ Daphne Fritters
2015The Happiest Days of Your LifeLighting Operator
2015Wife After DeathSound & Light Operation/Stage Crew
2015Jack and the BeanstalkKing Hubert
2014The 39 StepsPalladium Tab Act
2014The 39 StepsScenic Team
2014Spider's WebElgin the Butler
2014Spider's WebAssistant Stage Managers
2014The MagistrateIsidore
2014Mother GooseAssistant Stage Manager
2013Nathan The WiseAl-Hafi
2013A Railway JourneyJonnie
2013The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (No Photos)Aslan
2013The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (No Photos)Assistant Stage Managers
2013The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (No Photos)Set Construction
2013The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (No Photos)Set Painters
2013Robinson Crusoe and the PiratesFriday
2013Robinson Crusoe and the PiratesVillagers, Pirates, Sailors and Cannibals
2013Robinson Crusoe and the PiratesLighting Rigging
2012And Then There Were NoneAnthony Marston
2012And Then There Were NoneStage Crew
2012Wind in the WillowsRabbit Robert
2012Wind in the WillowsClerk
2012Wind in the WillowsGypsy
2012Wind in the WillowsSet Painters
2012Laburnum GroveSergeant Morris
2012Laburnum GroveAssistant Stage Manager
2012A Christmas CarolEbenezer Scrooge as a young man
2012A Christmas CarolBystander
2011Our Day OutMr Briggs
2011The Wizard of Oz (No Photos)Munchkins / Emeralders
2010James and the Giant PeachOld Man
2010James and the Giant PeachVisitor to the Peach
2010Ali Baba and the Forty ThievesHIYA Blue Team
2009Star Quest Galaxy WarsCee-thru keyhole
2009Pinocchio (No Photos)HIYA Blue Team
2008Beauty is a BeastSound Operator
2008Cinderella and the Quest of the Golden SlipperGroup 2: Tarquin
2007Peggy the Pint Sized PirateGrunt

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