Past Productions
If you would like to see information and pictures from HIADS past productions (1948-present), please CLICK HERE.
About Our Past Productions
The list of productions has been databased so that you can see all HIADS productions and also members past and present that have been involved in each production.
Please note that some of the information is entered manually from programmes, and therefore typographical errors are inevitable. Please report any errors to the webmaster who will attempt to repair any discrepancies between the database and programmes.
We'd love your photo
Also note that we do not have photos of all HIADS members, and so if you are a member, or a past member and would like a new photo added or an old photo replaced with a better one, or your photo removed then please let the webmaster know. Likewise, if you would like your name to be removed completely from the database, please inform the webmaster.
Also if you have production/rehearsal photos of a reasonable quality, especially for shows where we have none, then please send them in - as digital files if possible.
Photo's can be posted to the webmaster in electronic format and should preferably be at least 300 pixels wide by 450 pixels high for portraits and hopefully larger than that for rehearsal shots.