Next Auditions
Come for a read through of Alan Bennett's "People" and perhaps see if any roles jump out at you. Come along and get a part in this Alan Bennett Comedy. Come along and get one of the many parts in the Alan Bennett comedy. Reading: People
Audition 1: People
Audition 2: People
This page shows a list of castings (auditions) and readings for upcoming shows.
About Castings and Readings
Castings and Readings are open to everyone, not just HIADS members, and are a great way to meet the team and get involved - either as an actor or backstage, technical, front of house, etc.
All Castings and Readings take place at the Station Theatre, but you must arrive promptly since the front doors get locked (for security reasons) when the meeting starts. There is a bell at the stage door (along Furness Way) which you can ring if you are late.
Readings involve reading sections of the script with each person given a character to read for a while before the roles are swapped about. It's a chance to find out what the play is like and to see if any characters jump out as a role you would like to play.
Castings involve acting out a few parts of a scene on stage in front of the casting commitee (the director and 2 others) so that they can judge how different people sit in each role and how they gel with the other actors. At the end of the evening the roles are allocated to each actor - although sometimes decisions have to be delayed for a few days in various situations.
Above is a list of booked readings and castings. If none are shown then it's just that they've not been put in the diary... so please keep an eye on this page - the next ones will appear soon...