Audition 1: People

Come along and get a part in this Alan Bennett Comedy.


Written by Allan Bennett.
Directed by David Ellis.

Run : 20th to 29th June, 2025

Reading: Thurs 20th February, 7:30pm

Audition 1: Thurs 27th February, 7:30pm

Audition 2:  Thurs 6th March, 7:30pm


We need 13 actors. 8 male and 5 female (although we might be able to even these numbers up a bit)

All ages are over 18.

The show includes sizeable parts for 3 ladies who are, or can be made up to look, 65-75(ish).

Oh… and we’ll need a couple (a Male and a Female) to play porn actors. No… I’m not joking!
(At one point the actors just have to mimic having sex while screened off by the crew. It’s all ridiculous and silly. Very tame.)


Audition 1 - will be primarily for the characters that are in both acts. These are the 3 “mature” ladies plus 3 men, one of whom must be age appropriate to the ladies (ie. 65-75 ish).

Audition 2 - will be primarily for the characters who are only in Act 2 which are: A bishop, 2 porn actors and 4 film crew members - written as 3M and 1F but that could be changed. This group will be known as the Vice Squad.
Apart from the bishop which is a small part, all the Vice Squad have 20-40 lines so are decent roles - and that section of the play is particularly hilarious.
Lots of fun and fewer rehearsals

Jan 22, 2025 Category: Audition Notices Posted by: Brian