It's time for our Annual General Meeting again!
The Hayling Island Amateur Dramatics Society and HIADS Ltd. AGM will be at the Station Theatre on Saturday 15th March, from 6pm to 7:30pm.
We'd really like as many of our members as possible to join us. It's a great chance to catch up on what's been happening at the theatre over the year, ask any questions, and have your say on important matters. Plus, we'll have a social after the meeting for some light refreshments.
The meeting is for all our paid-up members. To help us know how many people are coming, please pick up your free ticket* for the AGM at Use the password HIADS to book. Looking forward to seeing you there!
If you'd like to make a suggestion for a change in how the group is run (a proposition), would like to volunteer to serve on the Executive Committee or as a Trustee (a nomination) or have a question you'd like to raise**, there are deadlines for us to receive them, as set out in the HIADS constitution.
All nominations, propositions and questions need to be sent to by the listed date for the attention of the Honorary Secretary.
Here's the timetable:
Thursday 13th February: Deadline for any propositions you'd like to raise at the AGM.
Tuesday 18th February: We'll send out all of the propositions we've received to all of our members.
Friday 28th February: Deadline for sending in any amendments to the propositions or questions you'd like to raise.
Wednesday 5th March: Deadline for your nomination if you want to stand for any of these positions: Company Officer, Executive Committee member, Designated Premises Supervisor or Trustee. We'll also send out a list of all propositions with any amendments, and an agenda for the meeting.
Positions to fill this year
Company Officers: Chair (Dave Ellis standing for re-election).
Vice Chair (Sue Finn), Honorary Treasurer (Chloe Hearne) and Honorary Secretary (James Wood) are all continuing into the second year of their current terms and do not need re-election.
Executive Committee Members: Scott Hawley, Dee Pearce, Laura Duncan and Sue Ellis are continuing as members of the Executive Committee. There are vacancies for up to 2 other non-officer members on the committee. Chloe Hearne will be continuing in her role as Designated Premises Supervisor.
Trustees: There are no vacancies for Trustees this year.
Advisory Committees: Positions on other committees are not decided at the AGM as they don't require a member vote. We’ll have sign-up sheets at the AGM if you’d like to take a role on an Advisory Committee. In the meantime, if you're interested in helping, check the member website ( or email
We look forward to seeing you at the theatre on Saturday 15th March. There will be a social following the AGM with food and drink and a chance to catch up with other members.
All the best,
James Wood (Honorary Secretary)
and the members of the HIADS Executive Committee
* Members will still be allowed into the AGM without a ticket, this is just to make it easier for us
to organise the day and arrange food for the social afterwards.
** There will also be a 15 minute Q&A session for any issues raised during the meeting.
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